




Ethical Tea Partnership, UNICEF


Improving the Lives of Women and Children in Assam’s Tea Communities


Building on the first phase of the program (2014-2017) that worked with 350 communities linked to more than 100 tea communities in Assam to help give young people brighter futures and a good quality of life. JDE has joined the partnership in the next phase of the programme 2018-2020 which aims to improve the lives of an estimated 250,000 direct and indirect beneficiaries. It will reach more than a quarter of all tea estates in Assam and is the biggest programme of its kind there.

The Project

  • Tea garden workers, their families and communities have increased access to high quality healthcare
  • Tea garden workers, their families and communities have access to food that meets their nutritional needs
  • Systemic drivers that keep children out of school are better understood and being addressed on the tea estates
  • Children and women are being better protected from gender-based violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation, unsafe migration and child marriage
  • Children have increased access to quality primary and secondary school education, as well as vocational skill training, which develops their personality, talents and abilities
  • Women workers have better access to equal employment opportunities and maternity benefits that protect the health and development of themselves and their children, enabling them to achieve a decent standard of living
  • Lactating women are better able to breastfeed in safe spaces without being penalised for taking time out of the working day
  • Parents have increased access to quality childcare facilities
  • Living conditions for workers and their families are safe, clean and decent


  • ETP_logo_ 60_Height.png
  • UNICEF-Logo.png




3 Years



% Female Farmers & Youth


Coffee Households


Areas of work

  • equality-of-people-icon@2x.pngEquality of people

Project themes

  • Gender and youth equality.pngGender and Youth Inclusivity
  • Child labour.pngChild Labour
  • Working conditions.pngWorking Conditions